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Format incorrect [Résolu]


  • Messages : 1557

Format incorrect [Résolu]

lun. 10 juin 2013 - 19h53

Bonsoir à tous ! Alors voilà, j'ai un petit problème. Je suis en train de choisir des scripts (rgss3) pour mon projet sur la Yanfly Channel. -> Seulement voilà, quand je clique sur le lien pour télécharger le script : Le téléchargement se lance sans problème, mais l'archive est sous un format qui m'est inconnu, dit ".rb" : [url=][img][/img][/url] À partir de là, je ne sais pas quoi faire pour pouvoir incorporer les scripts téléchargés à mon projet. Si quelqu'un est en mesure de m'aider, merci d'avance. :3


  • Messages : 8015

Format incorrect [Résolu]

lun. 10 juin 2013 - 19h58

Je m'occupe de ça. Ace message system: [code]#============================================================================== # # ▼ Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Message System v1.05 # -- Last Updated: 2012.01.13 # -- Level: Normal # -- Requires: n/a # #============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported.nil? $imported["YEA-MessageSystem"] = true #============================================================================== # ▼ Updates # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # 2012.07.21 - Fixed REGEXP error at line 824 # 2012.01.13 - Bug Fixed: Negative tags didn't display other party members. # 2012.01.12 - Compatibility Update: Message Actor Codes # 2012.01.10 - Added Feature: \pic[x] text code. # 2012.01.04 - Bug Fixed: \ic tag was \ii. No longer the case. # - Added: Scroll Text window now uses message window font. # 2011.12.31 - Started Script and Finished. # #============================================================================== # ▼ Introduction # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # While RPG Maker VX Ace certainly improved the message system a whole lot, it # wouldn't hurt to add in a few more features, such as name windows, converting # textcodes to write out the icons and/or names of items, weapons, armours, and # more in quicker fashion. This script also gives the developer the ability to # adjust the size of the message window during the game, give it a separate # font, and to give the player a text fast-forward feature. # #============================================================================== # ▼ Instructions # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script # to an open slot below ▼ Materials/素材 but above ▼ Main. Remember to save. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Message Window text Codes - These go inside of your message window. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: Effect: # \v[x] - Writes variable x's value. # \n[x] - Writes actor x's name. # \p[x] - Writes party member x's name. # \g - Writes gold currency name. # \c[x] - Changes the colour of the text to x. # \i[x] - Draws icon x at position of the text. # \{ - Makes text bigger by 8 points. # \} - Makes text smaller by 8 points. # \$ - Opens gold window. # \. - Waits 15 frames (quarter second). # \| - Waits 60 frames (a full second). # \! - Waits until key is pressed. # \> - Following text is instant. # \< - Following text is no longer instant. # \^ - Skips to the next message. # \\ - Writes a "\" in the window. # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Wait: Effect: # \w[x] - Waits x frames (60 frames = 1 second). Message window only. # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # NameWindow: Effect: # \n<x> - Creates a name box with x string. Left side. *Note # \nc<x> - Creates a name box with x string. Centered. *Note # \nr<x> - Creates a name box with x string. Right side. *Note # # *Note: Works for message window only. # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Position: Effect: # \px[x] - Sets x position of text to x. # \py[x] - Sets y position of text to y. # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Picture: Effect: # \pic[x] - Draws picture x from the Graphics\Pictures folder. # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Outline: Effect: # \oc[x] - Sets outline colour to x. # \oo[x] - Sets outline opacity to x. # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Font: Effect: # \fr - Resets all font changes. # \fz[x] - Changes font size to x. # \fn[x] - Changes font name to x. # \fb - Toggles font boldness. # \fi - Toggles font italic. # \fo - Toggles font outline. # \fs - Toggles font shadow. # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Actor: Effect: # \af[x] - Shows face of actor x. *Note # \ac[x] - Writes out actor's class name. *Note # \as[x] - Writes out actor's subclass name. Req: Class System. *Note # \an[x] - Writes out actor's nickname. *Note # # *Note: If x is 0 or negative, it will show the respective # party member's face instead. # 0 - Party Leader # -1 - 1st non-leader member. # -2 - 2nd non-leader member. So on. # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Names: Effect: # \nc[x] - Writes out class x's name. # \ni[x] - Writes out item x's name. # \nw[x] - Writes out weapon x's name. # \na[x] - Writes out armour x's name. # \ns[x] - Writes out skill x's name. # \nt[x] - Writes out state x's name. # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Icon Names: Effect: # \ic[x] - Writes out class x's name including icon. * # \ii[x] - Writes out item x's name including icon. # \iw[x] - Writes out weapon x's name including icon. # \ia[x] - Writes out armour x's name including icon. # \is[x] - Writes out skill x's name including icon. # \it[x] - Writes out state x's name including icon. # # *Note: Requires YEA - Class System # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # And those are the text codes added with this script. Keep in mind that some # of these text codes only work for the Message Window. Otherwise, they'll work # for help descriptions, actor biographies, and others. # #============================================================================== # ▼ Compatibility # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # This script is made strictly for RPG Maker VX Ace. It is highly unlikely that # it will run with RPG Maker VX without adjusting. # #============================================================================== module YEA module MESSAGE #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - General Message Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # The following below will adjust the basic settings and that will affect # the majority of the script. Adjust them as you see fit. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # This button is the button used to make message windows instantly skip # forward. Hold down for the effect. Note that when held down, this will # speed up the messages, but still wait for the pauses. However, it will # automatically go to the next page when prompted. TEXT_SKIP = :A # Input::A is the shift button on keyboard. # This variable adjusts the number of visible rows shown in the message # window. If you do not wish to use this feature, set this constant to 0. # If the row value is 0 or below, it will automatically default to 4 rows. VARIABLE_ROWS = 21 # This variable adjusts the width of the message window shown. If you do # not wish to use this feature, set this constant to 0. If the width value # is 0 or below, it will automatically default to the screen width. VARIABLE_WIDTH = 22 # This is the amount of space that the message window will indent whenever # a face is used. Default: 112 FACE_INDENT_X = 112 #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Name Window Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # The name window is a window that appears outside of the main message # window box to display whatever text is placed inside of it like a name. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NAME_WINDOW_X_BUFFER = -20 # Buffer x position of the name window. NAME_WINDOW_Y_BUFFER = 0 # Buffer y position of the name window. NAME_WINDOW_PADDING = 20 # Padding added to the horizontal position. NAME_WINDOW_OPACITY = 255 # Opacity of the name window. NAME_WINDOW_COLOUR = 6 # Text colour used by default for names. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Message Font Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # Ace Message System separates the in-game system font form the message # font. Adjust the settings here for your fonts. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # This array constant determines the fonts used. If the first font does not # exist on the player's computer, the next font in question will be used # in place instead and so on. MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_NAME = ["Verdana", "Arial", "Courier New"] # These adjust the other settings regarding the way the game font appears # including the font size, whether or not the font is bolded by default, # italic by default, etc. MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE = 24 # Font size. MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_BOLD = false # Default bold? MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_ITALIC = false # Default italic? MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_OUTLINE = true # Default outline? MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_SHADOW = false # Default shadow? end # MESSAGE end # YEA #============================================================================== # ▼ Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing # computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or # halitosis so edit at your own risk. #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # ■ Variable #============================================================================== module Variable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.message_rows #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.message_rows return 4 if YEA::MESSAGE::VARIABLE_ROWS <= 0 return 4 if $game_variables[YEA::MESSAGE::VARIABLE_ROWS] <= 0 return $game_variables[YEA::MESSAGE::VARIABLE_ROWS] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.message_width #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.message_width return Graphics.width if YEA::MESSAGE::VARIABLE_WIDTH <= 0 return Graphics.width if $game_variables[YEA::MESSAGE::VARIABLE_WIDTH] <= 0 return $game_variables[YEA::MESSAGE::VARIABLE_WIDTH] end end # Variable #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Interpreter #============================================================================== class Game_Interpreter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: command_101 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def command_101 wait_for_message $game_message.face_name = @params[0] $game_message.face_index = @params[1] $game_message.background = @params[2] $game_message.position = @params[3] while continue_message_string? @index += 1 if @list[@index].code == 401 $game_message.add(@list[@index].parameters[0]) end break if $game_message.texts.size >= Variable.message_rows end case next_event_code when 102 @index += 1 setup_choices(@list[@index].parameters) when 103 @index += 1 setup_num_input(@list[@index].parameters) when 104 @index += 1 setup_item_choice(@list[@index].parameters) end wait_for_message end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: continue_message_string? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def continue_message_string? return true if next_event_code == 101 && Variable.message_rows > 4 return next_event_code == 401 end end # Game_Interpreter #============================================================================== # ■ Window_Base #============================================================================== class Window_Base < Window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: setup_message_font #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_message_font @message_font = true change_color(normal_color) contents.font.out_color = Font.default_out_color = YEA::MESSAGE::MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_NAME contents.font.size = YEA::MESSAGE::MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE contents.font.bold = YEA::MESSAGE::MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_BOLD contents.font.italic = YEA::MESSAGE::MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_ITALIC contents.font.outline = YEA::MESSAGE::MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_OUTLINE contents.font.shadow = YEA::MESSAGE::MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_SHADOW end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: reset_font_settings #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_base_reset_font_settings_ams reset_font_settings def reset_font_settings if @message_font setup_message_font else window_base_reset_font_settings_ams contents.font.out_color = Font.default_out_color contents.font.outline = Font.default_outline contents.font.shadow = Font.default_shadow end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: convert_escape_characters #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_base_convert_escape_characters_ams convert_escape_characters def convert_escape_characters(text) result = window_base_convert_escape_characters_ams(text) result = convert_ace_message_system_new_escape_characters(result) return result end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: convert_ace_message_system_new_escape_characters #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def convert_ace_message_system_new_escape_characters(result) #--- result.gsub!(/\eFR/i) { "\eAMSF[0]" } result.gsub!(/\eFB/i) { "\eAMSF[1]" } result.gsub!(/\eFI/i) { "\eAMSF[2]" } result.gsub!(/\eFO/i) { "\eAMSF[3]" } result.gsub!(/\eFS/i) { "\eAMSF[4]" } #--- result.gsub!(/\eAC\[([-+]?\d+)\]/i) { escape_actor_class_name($1.to_i) } result.gsub!(/\eAS\[([-+]?\d+)\]/i) { escape_actor_subclass_name($1.to_i) } result.gsub!(/\eAN\[([-+]?\d+)\]/i) { escape_actor_nickname($1.to_i) } #--- result.gsub!(/\eNC\[(\d+)\]/i) { $data_classes[$1.to_i].name } result.gsub!(/\eNI\[(\d+)\]/i) { $data_items[$1.to_i].name } result.gsub!(/\eNW\[(\d+)\]/i) { $data_weapons[$1.to_i].name } result.gsub!(/\eNA\[(\d+)\]/i) { $data_armors[$1.to_i].name } result.gsub!(/\eNS\[(\d+)\]/i) { $data_skills[$1.to_i].name } result.gsub!(/\eNT\[(\d+)\]/i) { $data_states[$1.to_i].name } #--- result.gsub!(/\eIC\[(\d+)\]/i) { escape_icon_item($1.to_i, :class) } result.gsub!(/\eII\[(\d+)\]/i) { escape_icon_item($1.to_i, :item) } result.gsub!(/\eIW\[(\d+)\]/i) { escape_icon_item($1.to_i, :weapon) } result.gsub!(/\eIA\[(\d+)\]/i) { escape_icon_item($1.to_i, :armour) } result.gsub!(/\eIS\[(\d+)\]/i) { escape_icon_item($1.to_i, :skill) } result.gsub!(/\eIT\[(\d+)\]/i) { escape_icon_item($1.to_i, :state) } #--- return result end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: escape_actor_class_name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def escape_actor_class_name(actor_id) actor_id = $game_party.members[actor_id.abs].id if actor_id <= 0 actor = $game_actors[actor_id] return "" if actor.nil? return end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: actor_subclass_name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def escape_actor_subclass_name(actor_id) return "" unless $imported["YEA-ClassSystem"] actor_id = $game_party.members[actor_id.abs].id if actor_id <= 0 actor = $game_actors[actor_id] return "" if actor.nil? return "" if actor.subclass.nil? return end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: escape_actor_nickname #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def escape_actor_nickname(actor_id) actor_id = $game_party.members[actor_id.abs].id if actor_id <= 0 actor = $game_actors[actor_id] return "" if actor.nil? return actor.nickname end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: escape_icon_item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def escape_icon_item(data_id, type) case type when :class return "" unless $imported["YEA-ClassSystem"] icon = $data_classes[data_id].icon_index name = $data_items[data_id].name when :item icon = $data_items[data_id].icon_index name = $data_items[data_id].name when :weapon icon = $data_weapons[data_id].icon_index name = $data_weapons[data_id].name when :armour icon = $data_armors[data_id].icon_index name = $data_armors[data_id].name when :skill icon = $data_skills[data_id].icon_index name = $data_skills[data_id].name when :state icon = $data_states[data_id].icon_index name = $data_states[data_id].name else; return "" end text = "\eI[#{icon}]" + name return text end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: process_escape_character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_base_process_escape_character_ams process_escape_character def process_escape_character(code, text, pos) case code.upcase #--- when 'FZ' contents.font.size = obtain_escape_param(text) when 'FN' text.sub!(/\[(.*?)\]/, "") font_name = $1.to_s font_name = Font.default_name if font_name.nil? = font_name.to_s #--- when 'OC' colour = text_color(obtain_escape_param(text)) contents.font.out_color = colour when 'OO' contents.font.out_color.alpha = obtain_escape_param(text) #--- when 'AMSF' case obtain_escape_param(text) when 0; reset_font_settings when 1; contents.font.bold = !contents.font.bold when 2; contents.font.italic = !contents.font.italic when 3; contents.font.outline = !contents.font.outline when 4; contents.font.shadow = !contents.font.shadow end #--- when 'PX' pos[:x] = obtain_escape_param(text) when 'PY' pos[:y] = obtain_escape_param(text) #--- when 'PIC' text.sub!(/\[(.*?)\]/, "") bmp = Cache.picture($1.to_s) rect =, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height) contents.blt(pos[:x], pos[:y], bmp, rect) #--- else window_base_process_escape_character_ams(code, text, pos) end end end # Window_Base #============================================================================== # ■ Window_ChoiceList #============================================================================== class Window_ChoiceList < Window_Command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_choicelist_initialize_ams initialize def initialize(message_window) window_choicelist_initialize_ams(message_window) setup_message_font end end # Window_ChoiceList #============================================================================== # ■ Window_ScrollText #============================================================================== class Window_ScrollText < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_scrolltext_initialize_ams initialize def initialize window_scrolltext_initialize_ams setup_message_font end end # Window_ScrollText #============================================================================== # ■ Window_NameMessage #============================================================================== class Window_NameMessage < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(message_window) @message_window = message_window super(0, 0, Graphics.width, fitting_height(1)) self.opacity = YEA::MESSAGE::NAME_WINDOW_OPACITY self.z = @message_window.z + 1 self.openness = 0 setup_message_font @close_counter = 0 deactivate end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super return if return if self.openness == 0 return if @closing @close_counter -= 1 return if @close_counter > 0 close end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # start_close #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_close @close_counter = 4 deactivate end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # force_close #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def force_close @close_counter = 0 deactivate close end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # start #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start(text, x_position) @text = text.clone set_width create_contents set_x_position(x_position) set_y_position refresh activate open end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set_width #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_width text = @text.clone dw = standard_padding * 2 + text_size(text).width dw += YEA::MESSAGE::NAME_WINDOW_PADDING * 2 dw += calculate_size(text.slice!(0, 1), text) until text.empty? self.width = dw end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # calculate_size #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def calculate_size(code, text) case code when "\e" return calculate_escape_code_width(obtain_escape_code(text), text) else return 0 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # calculate_escape_code_width #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def calculate_escape_code_width(code, text) dw = -text_size("\e").width - text_size(code).width case code.upcase when 'C', 'OC', 'OO' dw += -text_size("[" + obtain_escape_param(text).to_s + "]").width return dw when 'I' dw += -text_size("[" + obtain_escape_param(text).to_s + "]").width dw += 24 return dw when '{' make_font_bigger when '}' make_font_smaller when 'FZ' contents.font.size = obtain_escape_param(text) when 'FN' text.sub!(/\[(.*?)\]/, "") font_name = $1.to_s font_name = Font.default_name if font_name.nil? = font_name.to_s when 'AMSF' case obtain_escape_param(text) when 0; reset_font_settings when 1; contents.font.bold = !contents.font.bold when 2; contents.font.italic = !contents.font.italic when 3; contents.font.outline = !contents.font.outline when 4; contents.font.shadow = !contents.font.shadow end else return dw end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set_y_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_x_position(x_position) case x_position when 1 # Left self.x = @message_window.x self.x += YEA::MESSAGE::NAME_WINDOW_X_BUFFER when 2 # 3/10 self.x = @message_window.x self.x += @message_window.width * 3 / 10 self.x -= self.width / 2 when 3 # Center self.x = @message_window.x self.x += @message_window.width / 2 self.x -= self.width / 2 when 4 # 7/10 self.x = @message_window.x self.x += @message_window.width * 7 / 10 self.x -= self.width / 2 when 5 # Right self.x = @message_window.x + @message_window.width self.x -= self.width self.x -= YEA::MESSAGE::NAME_WINDOW_X_BUFFER end self.x = [[self.x, Graphics.width - self.width].min, 0].max end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set_y_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_y_position case $game_message.position when 0 self.y = @message_window.height self.y -= YEA::MESSAGE::NAME_WINDOW_Y_BUFFER else self.y = @message_window.y - self.height self.y += YEA::MESSAGE::NAME_WINDOW_Y_BUFFER end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh contents.clear reset_font_settings @text = sprintf("\eC[%d]%s", YEA::MESSAGE::NAME_WINDOW_COLOUR, @text) draw_text_ex(YEA::MESSAGE::NAME_WINDOW_PADDING, 0, @text) end end # Window_NameMessage #============================================================================== # ■ Window_Message #============================================================================== class Window_Message < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_message_initialize_ams initialize def initialize window_message_initialize_ams setup_message_font end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: window_width #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def window_width return Variable.message_width end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: window_height #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def window_height return fitting_height(Variable.message_rows) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: create_all_windows #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_message_create_all_windows_ams create_all_windows def create_all_windows window_message_create_all_windows_ams @name_window = end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: create_back_bitmap #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_back_bitmap @back_bitmap =, height) rect1 =, 0, Graphics.width, 12) rect2 =, 12, Graphics.width, fitting_height(4) - 24) rect3 =, fitting_height(4) - 12, Graphics.width, 12) @back_bitmap.gradient_fill_rect(rect1, back_color2, back_color1, true) @back_bitmap.fill_rect(rect2, back_color1) @back_bitmap.gradient_fill_rect(rect3, back_color1, back_color2, true) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: dispose_all_windows #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_message_dispose_all_windows_ams dispose_all_windows def dispose_all_windows window_message_dispose_all_windows_ams @name_window.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: update_all_windows #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_message_update_all_windows_ams update_all_windows def update_all_windows window_message_update_all_windows_ams @name_window.update @name_window.back_opacity = self.back_opacity @name_window.opacity = self.opacity end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: update_show_fast #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_message_update_show_fast_ams update_show_fast def update_show_fast @show_fast = true if window_message_update_show_fast_ams end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: input_pause #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def input_pause self.pause = true wait(10) Fiber.yield until Input.trigger?(:B) || Input.trigger?(:C) || Input.update self.pause = false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: convert_escape_characters #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def convert_escape_characters(text) result = super(text.to_s.clone) result = namebox_escape_characters(result) result = message_escape_characters(result) return result end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: namebox_escape_characters #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def namebox_escape_characters(result) result.gsub!(/\eN\<(.+?)\>/i) { namewindow($1, 1) } result.gsub!(/\eN1\<(.+?)\>/i) { namewindow($1, 1) } result.gsub!(/\eN2\<(.+?)\>/i) { namewindow($1, 2) } result.gsub!(/\eNC\<(.+?)\>/i) { namewindow($1, 3) } result.gsub!(/\eN3\<(.+?)\>/i) { namewindow($1, 3) } result.gsub!(/\eN4\<(.+?)\>/i) { namewindow($1, 4) } result.gsub!(/\eN5\<(.+?)\>/i) { namewindow($1, 5) } result.gsub!(/\eNR\<(.+?)\>/i) { namewindow($1, 5) } return result end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: namebox #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def namewindow(text, position) @name_text = text @name_position = position return "" end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: message_escape_characters #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def message_escape_characters(result) result.gsub!(/\eAF\[(-?\d+)]/i) { change_face($1.to_i) } return result end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: change_face #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def change_face(actor_id) actor_id = $game_party.members[actor_id.abs].id if actor_id <= 0 actor = $game_actors[actor_id] return "" if actor.nil? $game_message.face_name = actor.face_name $game_message.face_index = actor.face_index return "" end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: new_page #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_message_new_page_ams new_page def new_page(text, pos) adjust_message_window_size window_message_new_page_ams(text, pos) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: new_line_x #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def new_line_x return $game_message.face_name.empty? ? 0 : YEA::MESSAGE::FACE_INDENT_X end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: adjust_message_window_size #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def adjust_message_window_size self.height = window_height self.width = window_width create_contents update_placement self.x = (Graphics.width - self.width) / 2 start_name_window end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: clear_name_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clear_name_window @name_text = "" @name_position = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: start_name_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_name_window return if @name_text == "" @name_window.start(@name_text, @name_position) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: fiber_main #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def fiber_main $game_message.visible = true update_background update_placement loop do process_all_text if $game_message.has_text? process_input $game_message.clear @gold_window.close @name_window.start_close Fiber.yield break unless text_continue? end close_and_wait $game_message.visible = false @fiber = nil end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: open_and_wait #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_message_open_and_wait_ams open_and_wait def open_and_wait clear_name_window adjust_message_window_size window_message_open_and_wait_ams end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: close_and_wait #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_message_close_and_wait_ams close_and_wait def close_and_wait @name_window.force_close window_message_close_and_wait_ams end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: all_close? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_message_all_close_ams all_close? def all_close? return window_message_all_close_ams && @name_window.close? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: process_escape_character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_message_process_escape_character_ams process_escape_character def process_escape_character(code, text, pos) case code.upcase when 'W' # Wait wait(obtain_escape_param(text)) else window_message_process_escape_character_ams(code, text, pos) end end end # Window_Message #============================================================================== # # ▼ End of File # #==============================================================================[/code] Ace Save Engine: [code]#============================================================================== # # ?\ Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Save Engine v1.03 # -- Last Updated: 2012.07.22 # -- Level: Normal # -- Requires: n/a # #============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported.nil? $imported["YEA-SaveEngine"] = true #============================================================================== # ?\ Updates # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # 2012.07.22 - Fixed: Location Drawing. # 2012.01.23 - Anti-crash method added for removed maps. # 2011.12.26 - Compatibility Update: New Game+ # 2011.12.26 - Started Script and Finished. # #============================================================================== # ?\ Introduction # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # This script provides a new save interface for the player. Along with a new # interface, the player can also load and delete saves straight from the menu # itself. This will in turn make the save command from the Main Menu always # available, but the save option within the new save menu will be enabled # depending on whether or not it is allowed or disallowed. From the interface, # the player is given more information regarding the save file including the # the location the player saved at, the amount of gold available, and any # variables that you want to show the player as well. # #============================================================================== # ?\ Instructions # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script # to an open slot below ?\ Materials/ef?T but above ?\ Main. Remember to save. # # For first time installers, be warned that loading this script the first time # may not display all information in the status window for save files made # before the installation of this script. To remedy this, just load up the save # and save the file again. # #============================================================================== # ?\ Compatibility # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # This script is made strictly for RPG Maker VX Ace. It is highly unlikely that # it will run with RPG Maker VX without adjusting. # #============================================================================== module YEA module SAVE #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Slot Window Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # This section adjusts how the slot window appears on the left side of the # screen. This also adjusts the maximum number of saves a player can make, # the way the slot names appear, and the icons used. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MAX_FILES = 24 # Maximum saves a player can make. Default: 16 SLOT_NAME = "File %s" # How the file slots will be named. # These are the icons SAVE_ICON = 368 # Icon used to indicate a save is present. EMPTY_ICON = 375 # Icon used to indicate an empty file. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Action Window Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # This section adjusts how the action window appears, the sound effect # played when deleting files, and what appears in the help window above. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ACTION_LOAD = "Load" # Text used for loading games. ACTION_SAVE = "Save" # Text used for saving games. ACTION_DELETE = "Delete" # Text used for deleting games. DELETE_SOUND ="Collapse3", 100, 100) # Sound for deleting. # These text settings adjust what displays in the help window. SELECT_HELP = "Please select a file slot." LOAD_HELP = "Loads the data from the saved game." SAVE_HELP = "Saves the current progress in your game." DELETE_HELP = "Deletes all data from this save file." #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Status Window Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # This section adjusts how the status window appears in the middle of the # screen (that displays the game's data) such as the total playtime, total # times saved, total gold, the party's current location, and the variables # to be displayed. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EMPTY_TEXT = "No Save Data" # Text used when no save data is present. PLAYTIME = "Playtime" # Text used for total playtime. TOTAL_SAVE = "Total Saves: " # Text used to indicate total saves. TOTAL_GOLD = "Total Gold: " # Text used to indicate total gold. LOCATION = "Location: " # Text used to indicate current location. # These variables will be shown in each of the two columns for those who # would want to display more information than just what's shown. Input the # variables into the arrays below to designate what data will be shown. COLUMN1_VARIABLES = [1, 2, 3] COLUMN2_VARIABLES = [4, 5, 6] end # SAVE end # YEA #============================================================================== # ?\ Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing # computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or # halitosis so edit at your own risk. #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # ?! Icon #============================================================================== module Icon #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.save_icon #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.save_icon; return YEA::SAVE::SAVE_ICON; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.empty_icon #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.empty_icon; return YEA::SAVE::EMPTY_ICON; end end # Icon #============================================================================== # ?! Numeric #============================================================================== class Numeric #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: group_digits #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- unless $imported["YEA-CoreEngine"] def group; return self.to_s; end end # $imported["YEA-CoreEngine"] end # Numeric #============================================================================== # ?! DataManager #============================================================================== module DataManager #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: savefile_max #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.savefile_max return YEA::SAVE::MAX_FILES end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: self.make_save_header #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.make_save_header header = {} header[:characters] = $game_party.characters_for_savefile header[:playtime_s] = $game_system.playtime_s header[:system] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($game_system)) header[:timer] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($game_timer)) header[:message] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($game_message)) header[:switches] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($game_switches)) header[:variables] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($game_variables)) header[:self_switches] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($game_self_switches)) header[:actors] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($game_actors)) header[:party] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($game_party)) header[:troop] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($game_troop)) header[:map] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($game_map)) header[:player] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($game_player)) header end end # DataManager #============================================================================== # ?! Window_MenuCommand #============================================================================== class Window_MenuCommand < Window_Command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: save_enabled #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def save_enabled; return true; end end # Window_MenuCommand #============================================================================== # ?! Window_FileList #============================================================================== class Window_FileList < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(dx, dy) super(dx, dy, 128, Graphics.height - dy) refresh activate select(SceneManager.scene.first_savefile_index) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # item_max #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def item_max; return DataManager.savefile_max; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # current_item_enabled? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def current_item_enabled? header = DataManager.load_header(index) return false if header.nil? && SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Load) return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh create_contents draw_all_items end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_item(index) header = DataManager.load_header(index) enabled = !header.nil? rect = item_rect(index) rect.width -= 4 draw_icon(save_icon?(header), rect.x, rect.y, enabled) change_color(normal_color, enabled) text = sprintf(YEA::SAVE::SLOT_NAME, (index + 1).group) draw_text(rect.x+24, rect.y, rect.width-24, line_height, text) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # save_icon? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def save_icon?(header) return Icon.empty_icon if header.nil? return Icon.save_icon end end # Window_FileList #============================================================================== # ?! Window_FileStatus #============================================================================== class Window_FileStatus < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(dx, dy, file_window) super(dx, dy, Graphics.width - dx, Graphics.height - dy) @file_window = file_window @current_index = @file_window.index refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super return if @file_window.index < 0 return if @current_index == @file_window.index @current_index = @file_window.index refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh contents.clear reset_font_settings @header = DataManager.load_header(@file_window.index) if @header.nil? draw_empty else draw_save_contents end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_empty #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_empty colour =, 0, 0, translucent_alpha/2) rect =, 0, contents.width, contents.height) contents.fill_rect(rect, colour) text = YEA::SAVE::EMPTY_TEXT change_color(system_color) draw_text(rect, text, 1) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_save_slot #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_save_slot(dx, dy, dw) reset_font_settings change_color(system_color) text = sprintf(YEA::SAVE::SLOT_NAME, "") draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, text) cx = text_size(text).width change_color(normal_color) draw_text(dx+cx, dy, dw-cx, line_height, (@file_window.index+1).group) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_save_playtime #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_save_playtime(dx, dy, dw) return if @header[:playtime_s].nil? reset_font_settings change_color(system_color) draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, YEA::SAVE::PLAYTIME, 0) change_color(normal_color) draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, @header[:playtime_s], 2) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_save_total_saves #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_save_total_saves(dx, dy, dw) return if @header[:system].nil? reset_font_settings change_color(system_color) text = YEA::SAVE::TOTAL_SAVE draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, text) cx = text_size(text).width change_color(normal_color) draw_text(dx+cx, dy, dw-cx, line_height, @header[:system] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_save_gold #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_save_gold(dx, dy, dw) return if @header[:party].nil? reset_font_settings change_color(system_color) draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, YEA::SAVE::TOTAL_GOLD) text = Vocab::currency_unit draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, text, 2) cx = text_size(text).width change_color(normal_color) text = @header[:party] draw_text(dx, dy, dw-cx, line_height, text, 2) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_save_location #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_save_location(dx, dy, dw) return if @header[:map].nil? reset_font_settings change_color(system_color) draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, YEA::SAVE::LOCATION) change_color(normal_color) cx = text_size(YEA::SAVE::LOCATION).width return if $data_mapinfos[@header[:map].map_id].nil? text = @header[:map].display_name text = $data_mapinfos[@header[:map].map_id].name if text == "" draw_text(dx+cx, dy, dw-cx, line_height, text) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_save_characters #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_save_characters(dx, dy) return if @header[:party].nil? reset_font_settings make_font_smaller dw = (contents.width - dx) / @header[:party].max_battle_members dx += dw/2 for member in @header[:party].battle_members next if member.nil? member = @header[:actors][] change_color(normal_color) draw_actor_graphic(member, dx, dy) text = draw_text(dx-dw/2, dy, dw, line_height, text, 1) text = draw_text(dx-dw/2, dy-line_height, dw-4, line_height, text, 2) cx = text_size(text).width change_color(system_color) text = Vocab::level_a draw_text(dx-dw/2, dy-line_height, dw-cx-4, line_height, text, 2) dx += dw end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_save_column1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_save_column1(dx, dy, dw) data = YEA::SAVE::COLUMN1_VARIABLES draw_column_data(data, dx, dy, dw) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_save_column2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_save_column2(dx, dy, dw) data = YEA::SAVE::COLUMN2_VARIABLES draw_column_data(data, dx, dy, dw) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_column_data #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_column_data(data, dx, dy, dw) return if @header[:variables].nil? reset_font_settings for variable_id in data next if $data_system.variables[variable_id].nil? change_color(system_color) name = $data_system.variables[variable_id] draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, name, 0) value = @header[:variables][variable_id].group change_color(normal_color) draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, value, 2) dy += line_height end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_save_contents #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_save_contents draw_save_slot(4, 0, contents.width/2-8) draw_save_playtime(contents.width/2+4, 0, contents.width/2-8) draw_save_total_saves(4, line_height, contents.width/2-8) draw_save_gold(contents.width/2+4, line_height, contents.width/2-8) draw_save_location(4, line_height*2, contents.width-8) draw_save_characters(0, line_height*5 + line_height/3) draw_save_column1(16, line_height*7, contents.width/2-48) draw_save_column2(contents.width/2+16, line_height*7, contents.width/2-48) end end # Window_FileStatus #============================================================================== # ?! Window_FileAction #============================================================================== class Window_FileAction < Window_HorzCommand #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(dx, dy, file_window) @file_window = file_window super(dx, dy) deactivate unselect end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # window_width #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def window_width; Graphics.width - 128; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # col_max #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def col_max; return 3; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super return if @file_window.index < 0 return if @current_index == @file_window.index @current_index = @file_window.index refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # make_command_list #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_command_list @header = DataManager.load_header(@file_window.index) add_load_command add_save_command add_delete_command end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # add_load_command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_load_command add_command(YEA::SAVE::ACTION_LOAD, :load, load_enabled?) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # load_enabled? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def load_enabled? return false if @header.nil? return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # add_save_command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_save_command add_command(YEA::SAVE::ACTION_SAVE, :save, save_enabled?) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # save_enabled? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def save_enabled? return false if @header.nil? && SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Load) return false if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Load) return false if $game_system.save_disabled return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # add_delete_command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_delete_command add_command(YEA::SAVE::ACTION_DELETE, :delete, delete_enabled?) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # delete_enabled? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def delete_enabled? return false if @header.nil? return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_help #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_help case current_symbol when :load; @help_window.set_text(YEA::SAVE::LOAD_HELP) when :save; @help_window.set_text(YEA::SAVE::SAVE_HELP) when :delete; @help_window.set_text(YEA::SAVE::DELETE_HELP) end end end # Window_FileAction #=========================


  • Messages : 1557

Format incorrect [Résolu]

lun. 10 juin 2013 - 20h00

Muchas Gracias :3


  • Messages : 8015

Format incorrect [Résolu]

lun. 10 juin 2013 - 20h01

J'ai édité mon post. =)


  • Messages : 1557

Format incorrect [Résolu]

lun. 10 juin 2013 - 20h36

Ok, merci beaucoup. Mais explique moi juste comment tu t'es débrouillé pour les avoir, parce qu'il m'en faut d'autres et j'aimerais bien les obtenir par moi même :3


  • Messages : 8015

Format incorrect [Résolu]

lun. 10 juin 2013 - 20h41

J'ai cliqué sur téléchargement. =3 Rigole pas c'est vrai. Tu as: Last Updated: 2012.01.23 Download Link Portuguese Tu cliques sur "Download Link" ce qui te renverra sur une page avec le script.


  • Messages : 6307

Format incorrect [Résolu]

lun. 10 juin 2013 - 20h47

Il me semble qu'il faut ouvrir les rb avec le bloc note. Tout simplement.

[center] [img][/img] [/center] [center]Merci à [b]Maki[/b] et [b]KuroFidy[/b] pour ces cadeaux: [spoiler][img][/img] [img][/img][/spoiler][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url]


  • Messages : 1557

Format incorrect [Résolu]

lun. 10 juin 2013 - 20h48

Heu, chez moi, à part ouvrir la boîte de téléchargement, il ne se passe rien. EDIT : J'essaye ça de suite Riko (: Ca marche. Merci à vous deux pour votre aide :3 C'est con, je peux pas vous ajouter de points